Sunday, January 31, 2016

Army Life

There is nothing quite like being a soldier. I haven't had any other job where I can go home at 3pm, get a free gym membership, earn 30 days of leave per year, have atleast one 3 day weekend every month, work half days during the holiday season and during summer, free insurance, and a free personal trainer. I often times wonder why I even left but I think about deployments and being away from family to go to some country that we bombed up to complete a mission that I might not even agree with wholeheartedly all because I raised my right hand and swore to do just that. It was definintely a lot of fun and I'll never forget it but I like being able to make my own decisions, go to school so I can move forward with my life, and not have to wake up at 5am to go run 6 miles every other day for four years rain or shine. There are always ups and downs though.
In short, my good days outweighed my bad days and I would change nothing if I could do it all over again. (except for maybe my rank)

Also, here is a link to my school website:
And link some army stuff:

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