Sunday, January 31, 2016

Army Life

There is nothing quite like being a soldier. I haven't had any other job where I can go home at 3pm, get a free gym membership, earn 30 days of leave per year, have atleast one 3 day weekend every month, work half days during the holiday season and during summer, free insurance, and a free personal trainer. I often times wonder why I even left but I think about deployments and being away from family to go to some country that we bombed up to complete a mission that I might not even agree with wholeheartedly all because I raised my right hand and swore to do just that. It was definintely a lot of fun and I'll never forget it but I like being able to make my own decisions, go to school so I can move forward with my life, and not have to wake up at 5am to go run 6 miles every other day for four years rain or shine. There are always ups and downs though.
In short, my good days outweighed my bad days and I would change nothing if I could do it all over again. (except for maybe my rank)

Also, here is a link to my school website:
And link some army stuff:


The Stryker (CBRN variant) was my vehicle while I was serving in the Army. From someone who has never served in the military, or atleast not in my squad, probably only sees a truck but its much more than just a truck, It was a lot of different things to me, for instance it was a "sleeping tent" when I was in Kuwait at a range for two weeks straight and had to sleep in it, it was a kitchen whenever I brought my electric grill and cooked steaks for the platoon, it was a headache during PMCS Mondays, and a bed for the many times I decided to sleep on top of it when the sky was clear.
I'll never forget it.


Hello readers, (as if...)
Anyways, I chose this topic because I am an army veteran and I honestly miss it sometimes. I'm not quite ready to go back in but I have definitely been considering it. There have been alot of changes since I got out in August 2015 but I know that nonsense that is the mind of officers haven't changed a single bit. As an enlisted soldier I was always irritated about having to follow dumb SOPs like having grenades on the front of my kit instead of on my side and what not but I guess that's because I'm a realist. They train us to turn plates toward the enemy but they also want us to keep grenades on the front too. The plates will stop the bullets but the grenades are just gonna explode, at least that's what always frightened me about having to do that.
Who else feels that way?